Category: Crime

  • Alarum (2025)

    Alarum (2025)

    One unforgettable vacation. When the CIA tracks down two rogue spies who’ve not only gone off the grid but also become a married couple, chaos erupts at their winter honeymoon cabin in the woods. A coalition of international spy organizations descends on the resort, all hunting for a ‘flight pill’—a hard drive—and each suspecting the…

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  • The Shadow Strays (2024)

    The Shadow Strays (2024)

    A young assassin rebels against her mentor and organization, determined to save a boy whose mother was killed by a ruthless crime syndicate. The Shadow Strays   Genre: Action, Crime, Thriller Stars: Aurora Ribero, Hana Malasan, Andri Mashadi, Adipati Dolken, Kristo Immanuel Release Date: 2024 Country: Indonesia Runtime: 144 mins File Size: 484 MB Download

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